Tuesday, April 14, 2015

5 things to Love about Pregnancy

When exhaustion is at an all time high, when heartburn is radiating through my body and when I'm struggling to catch my breath, I try and remind myself of the beauty of pregnancy... It's there, I promise, it's just sometimes hiding under nausea! 

Here are 10 things to love about pregnancy.

1. Nanna Naps (or mumma to be naps).

The Spanish know where it's at... siesta's baby! Is there anything more satisfying than curling up on a winter's afternoon for a quick nap? I can nap anywhere these days!

2. Kicks!

When the flutters turn into rolls, and the rolls turn into kicks... It's such an amazing part of pregnancy, and women are so lucky to experience it! I read somewhere that when you're carrying twins, just like Newton's theory, every action causes a reaction! When one kicks, the other shifts, when one shifts and the other rolls... they may be fighting for room in there, but the movements are non stop! I know the differences between my girls now; I know where they're laying... It's almost as if I can predict little personality characteristics simply based on how they act now! Something that's even better than feeling the kicks, is watching your partners reaction when they get to feel the kicks for the first time too! 

3. The belly.

I LOVE my belly. I love my stretchmarks. I love seeing it grow. I love how its now nice and round. I love watching it move as my girls wiggle around. I love seeing my husbands reaction every single time he touches it... it's pretty amazing.

4. The friends you make.

Thanks to social media and 'birth groups' you never feel like you're experiencing pregnancy alone. I've been lucky enough to connect with over 200 (AMAZING) women who are experiencing exactly what I'm experiencing, when I'm experiencing it! I'm even luckier that out of those women, there are handful expecting twins too! We all found out around the same time, had our first scans around the same time, felt our first flutters, found out the gender... We've shared hilariously embarrassing stories, laughed and cried together, pulled together and supported each other through heart break and loss and made real connections... it's an incredible support network that I'm beyond grateful for. 

5. A doting partner

My husband, Brett, has always been the kind of guy to go above and beyond... not just for me, but for everyone he meets. He's a big guys with an even bigger heart. Over the last 29 weeks, we've had our fair share of up's and down's (thanks hormones), but as the hormone levels settled he's become my absolute life saver. He's given me a shoulder to cry on when I'm crying over nothing, he's always been there to hold my hair back, he lets me sleep in, brings me breakfast in bed, he's picked up extra chores around the house and he's forever letting me know how beautiful he thinks I look. I thank him every day for what he does, and in return, he thanks me... for carrying his babies. 

What is it about pregnancy that you love?

Monday, April 13, 2015

Week 29

How far along: 29 weeks and 4 days! 
Total weight gain: Technically nothing. I lost roughly 8kg's in the early stages and have only gained 3kg's back... It's all babies!
Fruit: Babies are the size of a Winter Squash. 
Maternity clothes: Pants, yes!  
Stretch marks: A few. They're big and bright. They really don't bother me, I expected them to come.
Sleep: Is getting very tricky. Who would have thought that something as simple as turning in bed would be so difficult?
Best moment of this week: My baby shower, for sure. It was an amazing afternoon, spent with amazing women. My girls will be so lucky to have them in their lives. I feel so blessed!
Miss anything: Where do I begin? I miss soft cheeses, the odd glass of red wine, I miss bending. I miss my jeans. I miss feeling comfortable!
Movement: Constant. Its like a washing machine in there... on spin cycle! 
Food cravings: Nothing at all. There isn't a lot of room left in there and I've been finding it hard to eat. 
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope!
Have you started to show yet: Show? I'm sure I waddle. I feel HUGE!
Gender: Girls! 
Labour signs: Braxton Hicks here and there... nothing too serious, but they stop me in my tracks! 
Belly button in or out: Half / Half... so squishy! 
Symptoms: Exhaustion & leg cramps. Leg cramps are certainly something I wont miss!
Rings on or off: On! In fact, a lot of them are now too big to wear... 
Happy or moody most of the time: Sadly... moody. Looking forward to: Starting part time work soon! Weeee! 

What I've learnt...

“Uh oh… double trouble”

That response was cute, the first 5 times I heard it after sharing the news we were expecting twins. Then it just became kinda sad…

Double trouble? Why not Double joy? Double fun? Double love?

I won’t bore you with another ‘what to expect when you’re expecting post’ but just for fun, here are a few things I've learn in the last 29 weeks about pregnancy.

  • Morning sickness… for the unlucky, like myself, isn't just reserved to the AM! The churning nausea can strike at ANY point. Hot Tip: snap lock bags could be your saviour when you can’t make it to the bathroom in time! Oh, and it doesn't necessarily disappear after the first trimester either. That’s another lie. 
  • Never ever underestimate the importance of fibre in your diet. 
  • Your nipples will probably change. You’ll wake up one morning and won’t recognise them! 
  • Buy all the oils and moisturisers in the world to try and prevent stretch marks, but if it’s going to happen, it’s going to happen. 
  • If it’s still early days for you, take a mental image of what your belly buttons looks like now, just in case… Mine hasn't fully committed to popping out just yet, but instead it kinda looks like it’s smiling. Cute! 
  • Buckled sandals are a real struggle. 
  • Don’t fight the waddle! 
  • There’s a very good chance you’ll cry over a TV commercial. Or something else as equally silly.

And when it comes to twins… there are a few comments and questions that will seem like are constantly playing on repeat.

“Oh… twins… shit, I’m glad it’s you”
Thank you, kind person. I’m glad it’s me too. How AMAZING is it?

“Twins! Great, well you’re done now. Two for the price of one”
Again, thanks for the advice, but I think I’ll be the one to decide when I’m ‘done’. Secondly, its two for the price of two.

“Identical twins, how nice. Wouldn't it be amazing if it was one of each?”
That WOULD be amazing, considering the last time I checked… there are few differences between boys & girls.  

“Was it natural?”
Well yes, but what are you implying? That it wouldn't be as noteworthy if it wasn't? Furthermore, is it any of your business?

“I know how you feel…”
Do you really? You've carried twins too?

“You’re going to have your hands full”
No Shit.

I wonder what questions I’ll be asked once they arrive! Better yet, I wonder what sarcastic responses I’m going to come up with! 

Are you a parent of multiples? What silly questions are you asked and how do you respond?

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Oh baby, Oh baby!

Four hands. 20 fingers.
Four feet. 20 toes.
Two little faces.
Two beating hearts.
Two perfect little girls. 

I've been carrying all this, and more, for 29 weeks; 206 days. It almost doesn't seem possible! Every week I learn something new, I grow, I change... This is my first pregnancy and as hard as it has been, I've tried to embrace every second of it.  

I found out we were expecting identical twins when I was only 8 weeks pregnant, and only because I was having a rough time with Hyperemesis. At first, seeing one heart beat flicker was like magic. My baby was really there, and they were ok! I couldn't believe what we had created.

Before I knew it, there were two heart's flickering on the screen... TWINS!? What!? Are you sure!? Que the giggle fit! In that instant, everything changed. Were they ok? Are they identical? How are we going to manage TWO? How are they going to FIT? I was living in my own little bubble, completely overwhelmed, nervous, elated and afraid.  

Nothing else mattered. Nothing else existed. 

I wanted to tell the world. I'M HAVING TWINS! 

Their first photo! 


"You could be in for a bit of a surprise"

The sonographer wasn't wrong. To find out my husband and I were expecting identical twins truly was a surprise. A priceless, overwhelming and incredible surprise. Everything changed in that instant... we are so lucky. TWINS!